Voila se que j'ai comme soucis avec le buste cody gentle g payer le 29 janvier qui en gros,a étais renvoyer au vendeur pour cause de casse
1er msg:
Guillaume,Hello again and thanks a lot for responding in English,I hope
it is also good for you to understand.I got a parcel back this
wednessday as predicted but after receiving it we noticed that it was
not a parcel from me.Your parcel has been returned this morning and
after 10 years of selling collectibles I have never had a parcel this
damaged,if you ask me it looks like it has been in a car
accident.Private courrier company DPD could not contact me or you since
there was no trace anymore of the address label with my customer number
or your address so there policy it then to wait till claims are comming
in,not realy supporting if you ask me cause if you would not have
contacted me there would never been any claim.Anyhow I do not have
another of this bust in stock,and the 2 associate toydealers I
contacted today do not have the same one aswell so I sadly can not send
you a replacement.I worked out the 8 page documents for the insurrance
claim on your parcel and I will certainly take all my responsability as
a seller since I would like to refund you your full payement already
with paypal since according to the insureance company used by the
private courrier company refund will be completed within 60 days of
opening and this will start from the middle of next week since I still
have to mail all these documents this monday.I do not want you to wait
any longer since I know that you have already been charged to your
credit card earlier this month and I know that you must be aswell
dissapointed since I am a collector aswell and understand very well
that it hurts not having an item you were already looking forward.I
hope you understand aswell that I realy try my best for each
transaction and certainly want to makes the best of this one aswell.I
can garentee you also that the protective packing we used was totaly
not up to the force involved on this parcel.Please let me know if this
proposal is also good for you.Kind regards,gadget-belgium
2eme msg:
Guillaume,sorry to ask you so much but I forgot to request essential
remarks for completing the insurrance claim. Could you please respond
all these certainly this weekend.
1)Your ebay address is you private
address - 2)If not can you provide me your private address - 3)Your
phone number can be reached during the day - 4)If not can you provide
me your mobile number or work phone? I also want to add that if I come
across this bust again you are the first one that I will contact a nd
then you can even still decide yourself.Once again my apoligies for the
inconveniant transaction and hope you can appreciate the responsability
I take.Hope to hear from you very soon and have a very nice
weekend.Kind regards,gadget-belgium
Je n'ai pas tout compris qui peut m'aider [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
Ps:j'en n'ai marre après la litho ron lim sa fait trop [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
1er msg:
Guillaume,Hello again and thanks a lot for responding in English,I hope
it is also good for you to understand.I got a parcel back this
wednessday as predicted but after receiving it we noticed that it was
not a parcel from me.Your parcel has been returned this morning and
after 10 years of selling collectibles I have never had a parcel this
damaged,if you ask me it looks like it has been in a car
accident.Private courrier company DPD could not contact me or you since
there was no trace anymore of the address label with my customer number
or your address so there policy it then to wait till claims are comming
in,not realy supporting if you ask me cause if you would not have
contacted me there would never been any claim.Anyhow I do not have
another of this bust in stock,and the 2 associate toydealers I
contacted today do not have the same one aswell so I sadly can not send
you a replacement.I worked out the 8 page documents for the insurrance
claim on your parcel and I will certainly take all my responsability as
a seller since I would like to refund you your full payement already
with paypal since according to the insureance company used by the
private courrier company refund will be completed within 60 days of
opening and this will start from the middle of next week since I still
have to mail all these documents this monday.I do not want you to wait
any longer since I know that you have already been charged to your
credit card earlier this month and I know that you must be aswell
dissapointed since I am a collector aswell and understand very well
that it hurts not having an item you were already looking forward.I
hope you understand aswell that I realy try my best for each
transaction and certainly want to makes the best of this one aswell.I
can garentee you also that the protective packing we used was totaly
not up to the force involved on this parcel.Please let me know if this
proposal is also good for you.Kind regards,gadget-belgium
2eme msg:
Guillaume,sorry to ask you so much but I forgot to request essential
remarks for completing the insurrance claim. Could you please respond
all these certainly this weekend.
1)Your ebay address is you private
address - 2)If not can you provide me your private address - 3)Your
phone number can be reached during the day - 4)If not can you provide
me your mobile number or work phone? I also want to add that if I come
across this bust again you are the first one that I will contact a nd
then you can even still decide yourself.Once again my apoligies for the
inconveniant transaction and hope you can appreciate the responsability
I take.Hope to hear from you very soon and have a very nice
weekend.Kind regards,gadget-belgium
Je n'ai pas tout compris qui peut m'aider [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
Ps:j'en n'ai marre après la litho ron lim sa fait trop [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]