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    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13691
    Age : 57
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue Empty Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue

    Message  doom Jeu 30 Jan 2020, 07:26


    Super Powers Collection 
    1/6 Scale Statue

    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue Tweete28

    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue Tweete29

    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue Tweete30

    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue Tweete31

    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue Tweete33

    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue Tweete34

    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue Tweete35

    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue Tweete36

    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue Tweete37

    Super Powers Collection : Darkseid 1/6 Scale Statue Tweete38

    Prix de sortie:$399.99
    Date de sortie:2021
    Nombre d'exemplaire:TBD+250 exclu
    Poids: TBD
    Artistes: TBD

    Here he is!!! It's been a while since our last pre-order and this is a great way to start the new year! Our Super Powers Darkseid Maquette goes on pre-sale this Thursday, Jan 30th. He is a whopping 21 inches tall and is the beginning of our NEW GODS subset of Maquettes. He is limited to only 250 EX pieces.
    The Tweeterhead Exclusive will include two portraits and the removable Shoulder armor. The regular edition will include the shoulder armor and ONLY the portrait showing the teeth.
    Darkseid will retail for $399.99. The most expensive piece we will be doing in our Super Powers Collection...but he is a mass of a Maquette, so I know you will understand why when you get him.
    Darkseid was sculpted by the amazing Paul Harding, Mold and Cast by Mike Allen and paint and photography by David Fisher.


      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 30 Juin 2024, 19:27