Marvel's Collections & Customs

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4 participants

    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue

    Marvel Legends
    Marvel Legends

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 114
    Age : 53
    Localisation : Lyon
    Date d'inscription : 17/02/2019

    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue Empty SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue

    Message  cyrilga69 Ven 24 Mai 2019, 11:11

    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue 60801110
    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue 60788810
    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue 60890310
    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue 60945910
    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue 61222210
    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue 60804510
    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue 60867710
    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue 60841510

    Silver Surfer The Arrival 1/4 Statue!

    Sculpted by Claudio Saavedra Iriarte, the sculptor who made the amazingly detailed Doctor Doom Latveria Ruler and Spiderman McFarlane, Silver Surfer is depicted leaving Saturn in search of new planets for Galactus to devour. The base is unique showing Saturn and its rings, Uranus planet on the side and cosmic clouds floating. Base platform top side will be painted a cosmic space like design. Silver Surfer has switch out right hands one with cosmic energy and one without and switch out left hands with different hand and arm position.The ring, cosmic cloud, and cosmic streak will be in translucent resin and Surfer will have an option for electroplated chrome or painted.

    Dimensions: 24"H x 24"W x 29"D. Approximate
    With only maximum 60 Piece Edition Size

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2
    Age : 51
    Localisation : Lens
    Date d'inscription : 07/09/2010

    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue Empty wahouuu

    Message  jinxbab Lun 28 Oct 2019, 18:37

    elle est superbe celle la, on sait a combien elle se vends et si elle se vends lol?

    Et ou? a qui?

    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 6581
    Age : 56
    Localisation : Cimmerie
    Date d'inscription : 11/02/2009

    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue Empty Re: SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue

    Message  BBLACKWOLF Mar 29 Oct 2019, 06:20

    J'attend avec impatience une version XM

    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue Pbucket
    le Gardien
    le Gardien

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 21407
    Age : 60
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue Empty Re: SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue

    Message  le Gardien Mar 29 Oct 2019, 16:02

    Vraiment très belle !!  whoua Qui la produit ?

    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue Avenge10 SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue ConanBuscema3 SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue RECAST

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    SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue Empty Re: SILVER SURFER The arrival 1/4 custom statue

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 08 Sep 2024, 05:16