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green lantern 76
12 participants

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Sculpteur / Sculptor
    Sculpteur / Sculptor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1661
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Mantes-la ville
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  nimajneb Ven 09 Oct 2009, 18:59

    Echelle : 1/7

    Sculpteur : Nimajneb
    Vendu avec 3 épées différentes interchangeables entre les 2 persos + 1 hache + 2 mains interchangeables pour le Musclor avec ou sans son bouclier
    Dimensions : 76 de large x 38 de profondeur x 48 cm de haut ! et environ 9 kg !

    Prix : 330$ + port
    Prix du port : $55 USA, $65 Canada, $100 Europe/Mexico

    50 exemplaires (plus que 24 de dispo)
    Dispo à partir du 7 novembre

    Mail du vendeur :
    Site :

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio WIP75

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio WIP82

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio WIP76

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio WIP85

    Dernière édition par nimajneb le Sam 10 Oct 2009, 20:24, édité 1 fois
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Nombre de messages : 826
    Age : 53
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  tortue-man Ven 09 Oct 2009, 19:09

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Icon_sad ah jetais riche.....diguediguediguedon... Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 966629

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 259762 superbe ensemble!!!! Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 747187 et une fiotte en cadeau pour chaque exemplaire!!!Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Lol
    encore du grand art!!!! Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 997225 sideshow va finir par nous le piquer l artiste du forum!!!Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 259611
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 8458
    Age : 52
    Localisation : dans le 13 ça porte bonheur
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  comète Ven 09 Oct 2009, 23:10

    c'est sûr qu'un paquet de pro ne sont pas meilleurs que lui Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 259762
    Sculpteur / Sculptor
    Sculpteur / Sculptor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1661
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Mantes-la ville
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  nimajneb Sam 10 Oct 2009, 20:24

    Merci !

    Mise à jour avec le prix du port et la date exacte de disponibilité
    Sculpteur / Sculptor
    Sculpteur / Sculptor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1661
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Mantes-la ville
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  nimajneb Dim 27 Déc 2009, 19:22

    Voici une review du kit faite par un ricain (jadamfox ) sur le forum Clubhouse :

    Hi to everyone! I hope you've all had good holidays.

    Just today (day after Christmas) I received my long anticipated "Battle for Eternia" (He-man/Skeletor dio) sculpted by nimajneb and produced by MFA2000! Let me say, that I was excited and dove into the box minutes after it arrived!

    As of this writing, MFA has announced that there are still several of these kits available to those wanting. Maybe this review with help your decision if this kit is for you.
    The kit is posted in the "new kits" section and is also available by contacting MFA2000 from his blog.

    * * * * * * * * * * * *
    This is an "out-of-box" review of my opinions of the casting and the kit. Pardon the many pictures, as there were MANY parts to this kit that I wanted to go through...

    *First off, my overall opinion is... WOW. This is an IMPRESSIVE kit. The scale of the thing is HUGE! I still didn't understand the full scale of the piece from the producer's initial photos. I'm still wrapping my brain around the scale.

    *This kit is definitely for the more experienced resin model builder who likes a challenge as there will be a lot of flash and seam cleanup. In addition to the cleanup, there will be a lot of pinning required to hold the parts together well. I generally try to skimp a little on pinning (only on load bearing part seams), but the shear weight of the assembled parts of this kit will require good pinning to support the glued parts.

    *The castings are good quality. There are a few bubbles here and there, in the expected hard to cast areas; but nothing too difficult to repair with a little putty. Most of the castings are very clean (little to no pin holes), so that once the flash and seams are cleaned up, the parts will be in good shape for paint.

    *For this review, I have already removed a lot of the flashing that arrived on the parts. Most of it was very easy to remove by hand and therefore was not a factor in this review.

    This is definitely an "A" kit and will be loads of fun to paint once assembled. Now I just need to find the time to put this thing together (its like having 4 kits in one!)

    He-man: Upper/Lower torso, right sword hand, two left hand options (with/without shield) and the sword. (Flash and pour sprues to clean up)
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_001

    Nice clean casting, just seam to clean:
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_002

    Skeletor: Torso, staff, two sword options, left and right hand. (Flash and pour sprues to clean up). The main part of the staff is a good bit flimsy cast in resin. I sense a lot of trouble with this not holding straight and eventually snapping. I plan to cut the head of the staff off and mount it to a metal rod to replace the staff. That should work a lot better. Otherwise, great casting.
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_003

    Great sculpted detail on Skeletor's face! You can see the seams running down the torso needing cleanup:
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_004

    Battle Cat: Wow! Great sculpt and detail. (Flash and sprue cleanup. *The Major difficulty will be in part fit of the two body halves)
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_005

    The body is cast in two pieces to allow the body to be hollow.
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_006

    Major issue with Battle Cat will be part fit for the two body halves. These will have to be sanded down flat to remove the excess resin and get the seams to match up. Once that is done, I plan to pin the parts in several spots to assist with the part bond.
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_007

    Dudes! check out the scale of the cat to my hand!
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_008

    Pathor: Again, great sculpt on this beast! (Same flash and sprue issues)
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_009

    Same part fit issue with the two body halves. Shouldn't be a problem, just going to take some time:
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_010

    The rest of the small parts (shield, Skeletor's armor, the two cat tails and some foliage) come on a couple of casting trees with a lot of flash:
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_011

    I left the parts attached to the flashing just to keep them all together until I was ready to start assembly. As I mentioned earlier, the flashing does not appear to be a problem as most of it will pull off easily by hand.
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_012

    The base comes in two parts (He-man/Battle Cat side and Skeletor/Panthor side). I've decided that it will be best displayed like this and I will not attempt to bond these parts into one (for easy disassembly for packing). I've placed a 24 inch ruler for scale. This base spans about 30 inches!
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_013

    The two parts of the base are cast in brush-on resin paste and are hollow underneath. They are light-weight and range between 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch thick walls. They appear sturdy enough. The Skeletor side should be fine, as the cat sits on the base. For the He-man side, I am going to mount it with sturdy square rod pins running up through the legs of the cat to support the leaping cat's weight without a support rod under the body. For this, I plan to have matching square metal sockets in the base that the cat supports will slide into. That might require me to add more support under the base to securely hold the pin sockets. I might consider filling with plaster or resin (something) to add support.
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_014

    And again, my hand for scale as I've used rubber bands to test fit some of the pieces.
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Heman_CH_015

    This kit will require a lot of time and work, but I think it will be worth it, as this is a fantastic work of art. It will be the best kit in my collection... certainly the biggest!

    I hope my review has helped someone interested in "Battle for Eternia". Let me know what you think
    Sculpteur / Sculptor
    Sculpteur / Sculptor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1661
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Mantes-la ville
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  nimajneb Sam 01 Mai 2010, 19:14

    qq photos en cours de peinture par Jadamfox :

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_057

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_064

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_068

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_069

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_072
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 48267
    Age : 52
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  darthstitch Sam 01 Mai 2010, 19:34

    Ca me met un coup de nostalgie Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 951443

    MES VENTES bowen, weta, sideshow, gentle giant, etc...C'EST PAR ICI :
    Rédacteur / Editor
    Rédacteur / Editor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 18806
    Age : 47
    Date d'inscription : 08/06/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  Logan Sam 01 Mai 2010, 21:00

    Une tuerie monumentale Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 783803

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 180731060332238239Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 180924071714993025Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 200528051841483451Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 200528051902458170Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 200528051905784579
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 16675
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  Galactus Dim 02 Mai 2010, 10:24

    Les montures sont vraiment superbes.

    De toutes les créatures des immensités de l univers,aucune ne me ressemble.J étais là au début de l univers.Je serais la à sa fin.
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 8458
    Age : 52
    Localisation : dans le 13 ça porte bonheur
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  comète Dim 02 Mai 2010, 10:25

    darthstitch a écrit:Ca me met un coup de nostalgie Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 951443

    tu l'as dit................vieillard Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 281388
    Statues collector
    Statues collector

    Nombre de messages : 634
    Age : 51
    Date d'inscription : 30/01/2010

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  Bobo Dim 02 Mai 2010, 11:50

    Très belle réalisation, bravo pour ton travail et pour ta passion qui se ressent Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 238304
    green lantern 76
    green lantern 76
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 8290
    Age : 48
    Localisation : CHAUMONT 52
    Date d'inscription : 10/06/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  green lantern 76 Dim 02 Mai 2010, 11:54

    ça claque vraiment !! Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 90443

    j'adore ce dio !!! les montures, les perso, la peinture..... Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 589531


    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Greenl10
    Ni de jour, Ni de nuit ils n'échapperont à ma vue,
    que les adorateurs du mal tremblent devant mon pouvoir,
    la lumière de Green Lantern !!
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Greenl10
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 48267
    Age : 52
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  darthstitch Dim 02 Mai 2010, 15:26

    comète a écrit:
    darthstitch a écrit:Ca me met un coup de nostalgie Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 951443

    tu l'as dit................vieillard Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 281388

    Rien Papa lol

    MES VENTES bowen, weta, sideshow, gentle giant, etc...C'EST PAR ICI :
    Sculpteur / Sculptor
    Sculpteur / Sculptor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1661
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Mantes-la ville
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  nimajneb Lun 03 Mai 2010, 17:42

    La peinture se poursuit (j'espère pouvoir faire aussi bien sur mon exemplaire !)

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_073
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_074
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_075
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_076
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 12513
    Age : 53
    Localisation : PARIS
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  StormyWeather Lun 03 Mai 2010, 18:13

    WowowOOOOOOHHHH!!!! Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 940124 Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 940124 Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 940124 Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 978957 Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 978957 Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 978957
    Sculpteur / Sculptor
    Sculpteur / Sculptor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1661
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Mantes-la ville
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  nimajneb Lun 10 Mai 2010, 17:52

    voici la suite de la peinture de Jadamfox (il lui reste à vernir certains éléments et à faire les effets d'eau pour la mare)

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_077
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_078
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_079

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_080

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_081
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_082
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_083
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_084

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_085
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_086
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_087
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_093
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_094

    He-Man with the optional axe:
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_088
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_089
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_090

    And the full shot (front):
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_091

    and back:
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_092

    And just for a little fun, I dropped a shot of the kit into the painting it was based on:
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_095
    Statues collector
    Statues collector

    Nombre de messages : 577
    Age : 48
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  Fabebhoot Lun 10 Mai 2010, 18:36

    quel travail Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 783803 Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 238304
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 48267
    Age : 52
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  darthstitch Lun 10 Mai 2010, 18:36

    c'est magnifique, en tout cas , je sent un petit coup de nostalgie, un instant je me suis sentit transporter dans mon enfance cheers

    MES VENTES bowen, weta, sideshow, gentle giant, etc...C'EST PAR ICI :
    Duke Fleed
    Duke Fleed
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 3246
    Age : 49
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  Duke Fleed Lun 10 Mai 2010, 18:55

    une peinture a la hauteur de ta sculpture. Une de tes nombreuses reussites Benj
    Sculpteur / Sculptor
    Sculpteur / Sculptor

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1661
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Mantes-la ville
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  nimajneb Mar 18 Mai 2010, 11:37

    suite et fin de la peinture de Jadamfox :

    Added Polyurethane to eyes and mouths of all characters to give a wet look:
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_096
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_097
    Added Polyurethane to the base to create water effect and wet swampy look:
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_098
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_099
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_100

    Once the polyurethane had started to dry (about 1 hour dry), I tilted the base back a little to shift the polyurethane. this created a "ripple" effect around the shoreline and tree roots. Turned out better than I originally planned.
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_101
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_102
    The final status update (COMPLETED):
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_103
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_104
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_105
    And a scale shot (per request). These are standard sized 5 1/2 inch figures and a Cola Can. This diorama is HUGE!
    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio BFE_CH_106
    Aside from a couple touch-ups here and there... this kit is finished! Thanks for looking! I'm going to get back to sculpting for a while. -ADAM 😉
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 12513
    Age : 53
    Localisation : PARIS
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  StormyWeather Mar 18 Mai 2010, 12:12

    Excellent!!!!!!!!!! Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 978957 Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 978957 Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 978957 un paintjob digne de ta sculpture!
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 16675
    Date d'inscription : 10/12/2008

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  Galactus Mar 18 Mai 2010, 12:29

    La peinture est splendide !!!! L'ensemble est superbe Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 783803

    De toutes les créatures des immensités de l univers,aucune ne me ressemble.J étais là au début de l univers.Je serais la à sa fin.
    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 48267
    Age : 52
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  darthstitch Mar 18 Mai 2010, 12:57

    StormyWeather a écrit:Excellent!!!!!!!!!! Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 978957 Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 978957 Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 978957 un paintjob digne de ta sculpture!

    +2 je plussoie cheers

    MES VENTES bowen, weta, sideshow, gentle giant, etc...C'EST PAR ICI :
    Ultime collector
    Ultime collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 8458
    Age : 52
    Localisation : dans le 13 ça porte bonheur
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  comète Mar 18 Mai 2010, 13:05

    certes la peinture est magnifique, je plussois moi z'aussi.............
    mais en voyant le tout finalisé, tu peux être fier de toi ''benjamin enverlan'' une sacrée oeuvre que tu as crée Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio 238304
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Féminin Nombre de messages : 4823
    Age : 46
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  arwen Mar 18 Mai 2010, 13:09

    3dsurpris 3dsurpris Tu as fait un travail exceptionnel sur le socle ... La peinture est sublime cheers

    Contenu sponsorisé

    Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio Empty Re: Diorama He-Man w/Battlecat vs Skeletor w/Panthor Dio

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Lun 16 Sep 2024, 22:07