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245 €

    DEJAH THORIS 1/4 scale statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13778
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    DEJAH THORIS 1/4 scale statue Empty DEJAH THORIS 1/4 scale statue

    Message  doom Mer 25 Oct 2023, 15:38


    1/4 scale statue

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    Collector Edition : 664.09€
    Deluxe Edition : 1225.03€

    Height: 17" (43 cm)
    Width: 18" (46 cm)
    Depth: 11.5" (29 cm) *

    Height: 27.5" (70 cm)
    Width: 23" (58 cm)
    Depth: 17" (43 cm) *

    Inspired by the rare issue Dejah Thoris comic cover art, the Dejah Thoris 1:4 scale statue measures 17” tall and 18” wide as the Princess of Mars rests on the regal Throne of Barsoom flanked by two flaming gold braziers on either side.
    This fully sculpted piece portrays the Martian fan-favorite character in her iconic metallic-ornamented costume, embellished with vibrant purple gems and a flowing drape. The fearsome warrior princess’ highly detailed portrait depicts her mesmerizing blue eyes gazing ahead intently as she lounges, sword in hand, between two Thark skull pillars at the arms of her textured throne.

    Bow to the ruler of the red planet and add the otherworldly Dejah Thoris 1:4 scale statue to your collection today!


      La date/heure actuelle est Lun 04 Nov 2024, 19:29