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BODUM Bistro Set : Théière filtre 1 L + 2 gobelets double paroi en ...
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3 participants

    Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13718
    Age : 58
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust Empty Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust

    Message  doom Ven 14 Aoû 2020, 16:23


    Infinity Studio  
    Life Size Bust

    Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust Infinity-Studio-Aquaman-001

    Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust Infinity-Studio-Aquaman-002

    Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust Infinity-Studio-Aquaman-003

    Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust Infinity-Studio-Aquaman-004

    Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust Infinity-Studio-Aquaman-005

    $3,000  -  600 ex - 38″ tall

    Behold the King of Atlantis! Aquaman finally arrives with the battle armor design in Justice League!
    Come from Atlantis, grow in human society, Arthur Curry become the bridge that connect two worlds-land and ocean. Infinity Studio brings this superhero to real life with our magnificent 1:1 life size bust, feel the dignity of this true king!
    We hope our statue could be the ultimate collection of DC fans, so we measured all figure critically so the size of statue could replicate Jason’s body shape exactly. The skin of Aquaman is made of medical platinum silicon, in order to withstand high temperature and ageing. With proper care and maintenance you can keep them in good condition for over decades! The skin colour and tattoos are also featured perfectly. More than 100,000 high temperature fibers were planted throughout his body, and a pair of prosthetic eyes were specially made for him in accordance to the movie design.
    The armor and trident of Aquaman are made by polystone, the high quality painting makes them look like real metal texture; besides the design of the stand looks like an Atlantis style temple, with an Aquaman emblem in the front and JL logo backwards.
    Peintre / Painter
    Peintre / Painter

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 919
    Age : 61
    Localisation : TOULOUSE
    Date d'inscription : 21/04/2012

    Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust Empty Re: Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust

    Message  cinemodeles Ven 14 Aoû 2020, 16:53

    Ca calme! whoua

    Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust Header10
    Marvel Wars
    Marvel Wars
    Complétiste collector
    Complétiste collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2591
    Age : 32
    Localisation : Dans mon monde
    Date d'inscription : 07/02/2014

    Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust Empty Re: Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust

    Message  Marvel Wars Ven 14 Aoû 2020, 18:18

    Incroyable je sais pas si je serais capable de faire la différence avec une photo de l'acteur.

    Contenu sponsorisé

    Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust Empty Re: Infinity Studio : Aquaman Life Size Bust

    Message  Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 08 Sep 2024, 02:16