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    Onslaught Bust

    Statues collector
    Statues collector

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 357
    Age : 61
    Localisation : North Carolina, USA
    Date d'inscription : 21/03/2011

    Onslaught Bust Empty Onslaught Bust

    Message  Northstar Mer 11 Juil 2018, 11:48

    Hey Guys,
    I'm not sure I posted this in the right place. So, feel free to move it where it should be.
    I'm trying to get IceBreaker Designs to make a Onslaught Bust from their Full Size Onslaught. The bust would be 1/6 Scale ( Bowen Scale) If you have seen the Full Size Statue He is Huge!! The Price would be $180 I know that seems high but think of what you pay for a kit and then the build and paint. Plus, did I say he is Huge!
    Please go on Facebook to IceBreaker Designs and vote for him. I apologize for the Crude mockup.

    Thanks Chris
    Onslaught Bust LrIzis

      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 08 Sep 2024, 05:05