Marvel's Collections & Customs

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Le deal à ne pas rater :
-64% sur le Lot de 2 Enceintes bibliothèques Jamo S17F (gris ou bleu)
199 € 549 €
Voir le deal

    Transformers : RotF - Megatron (Standard Version) Premium Bust

    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1143
    Age : 45
    Localisation : Suisse
    Date d'inscription : 26/04/2015

    Transformers : RotF - Megatron (Standard Version) Premium Bust   Empty Transformers : RotF - Megatron (Standard Version) Premium Bust

    Message  Cid Jeu 21 Avr 2016, 15:59


    Transformers : RotF - Megatron (Standard Version) Premium Bust   Prime1-Studio&i=Megatron-standard-Bust-01
    Transformers : RotF - Megatron (Standard Version) Premium Bust   Prime1-Studio&i=Megatron-standard-Bust-02

    Prime 1 Studio is proud to present the first Premium Bust Collection PBTFM-01: Megatron (Final Battle) Head compatible with MMTFM-01 which is sold separately.

    Please note: PBTFM-01 Megatron (Standard Version) will be available for purchase also please stay tuned.

    Retail Price: 164$USD

    - Production sample shown, final product may be slightly different.
    - Product details could be subjected to change without further notice.

    Transformers : RotF - Megatron (Standard Version) Premium Bust   W3b5VkV

      La date/heure actuelle est Jeu 04 Juil 2024, 19:07