This is my Venom Full Size 1/6 kit (wip),
hope you like
thanks alot!
Dernière édition par EBA le Sam 09 Fév 2013, 22:02, édité 1 fois
WadeWilson a écrit:Thanks for sharing
Can't wait to see more
Das a écrit:Nice start. Your work always like so clean, I can't wait to see more of this Venom.
le Gardien a écrit:Wow great details and finition ultra clean !!!
Nice start
darthstitch a écrit:Great start
That's exactly what I was thinking…le Gardien a écrit:To view with others photos, but it seems have a little legs and foots, and the standing pose seem fall back .
The supporting leg should be more backward , but perhaps du tp the angle of the pics ?
Are you based on a comics refernce ?
le Gardien a écrit:To view with others photos, but it seems have a little legs and foots, and the standing pose seem fall back .
The supporting leg should be more backward , but perhaps du tp the angle of the pics ?
Are you based on a comics refernce ?
spider 68 a écrit:Fantastic
Rody Siffrecco a écrit:Congrats !
darthstitch a écrit:Ah ouais quand même, belle sculpture
Jaurel a écrit:moi qui n'aime pas particulièrement le perso je trouve ce Venom tout simplement magnifique... Une posture superbe, avec cette langue incroyable qui fait je pense la différence. Un grand bravo.