Marvel's Collections & Customs

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    Captain America, the first avenger bust

    Membre d'honneur
    Membre d'honneur

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 48267
    Age : 53
    Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009

    Captain America, the first avenger bust Empty Captain America, the first avenger bust

    Message  darthstitch Lun 23 Juil 2012, 23:27

    Hi all.

    thought i would share this. it is a silicone version of sculpt I was commissioned to make.

    the helmet was made by a friend of mine and the costume is from ebay

    still needs bottom eyelashes but hope you like it

    Captain America, the first avenger bust Cap

    Captain America, the first avenger bust Cap2

    Captain America, the first avenger bust Cap3

    Captain America, the first avenger bust Cap4

    Captain America, the first avenger bust Cap5

    MES VENTES bowen, weta, sideshow, gentle giant, etc...C'EST PAR ICI :

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