Saturday Knight Surfer- Membre d'honneur
- Nombre de messages : 2771
Age : 56
Localisation : Nancy
Date d'inscription : 31/01/2009
Saturday Knight Surfer Mer 08 Aoû 2012, 03:18
darthstitch a écrit:Rebondissement dans cette histoire, un membre de statue forum à reçu ce mail :
Hi – We unfortunately need to inform you that the Lou Ferrigno Statue has been cancelled. Syco Collectibles created this item and licensed it with Lou Ferrigno’s company – Ferrigno Fit. Syco informed BBTS that Lou Ferrigno has the rights to his likeness, and that this item was licensed and approved. There apparently was confusion between Syco & Ferrigno about the scope of the license; while Ferrigno does own rights to his likeness, Marvel owns the rights to his likeness as The Hulk. We were contacted by Marvel about this situation yesterday and asked to remove this product, and we are happy to comply with them. Marvel is one of the strongest brands BBTS carries, and we would never intentionally carry an item that infringes on their intellectual property.
We have cancelled your preorder, no charges were made to your card, and we have removed this item from our site. We apologize for the inconvenience on this item!
and we have removed this item from our site. We apologize for the
inconvenience on this item!
en gros la statue est annulé car non approuvé par Marvel
Et surtout, c'est Marvel qui détient le copyright de Hulk sous les traits de Lou Ferrigno... Ce dernier ne détient les droits que pour une reproduction de son image en tant que Lou Ferrigno. Marvel a donc demandé aux revendeurs, dont BBTS aux States, de retirer cette statue de leurs ventes. Syco étant une boite chinoise, à savoir s'ils feront de même ou passeront outre pour la vendre en Chine. Après, si vous en voulez une, il faudra la faire arriver à pied de le Chine.
Criticare ergo sum
"C'est un dindon ? C'est un Airbus Beluga ? Non, c'est Supermoche." A propos de la statue Superman "Jim Lee"
"Cette full, une tuerie ? J'irais même plus loin : c'est un véritable assassinat."
Je vous ai pourri les statues... Rassurez vous, je peux aussi vous pourrir les lithos...